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ProsperEx is generally recognized as a forerunner in the RWA field, and the company has a rich history of on-chain derivatives. It has the potential to serve as a bridge between the Web2 and Web3 communities and to reach a large audience. The Web2 and Web3 communities may meet for the first time on this site.

Since the summer of DeFi in 2020, the on-chain derivatives market has steadily matured into the early development stage, expanding significantly over the ensuing two years. Trading volume in the on-chain derivatives market hit $478 billion between February and December of 2022, according the "Q3 2022 Decentralized Derivatives Exchange Research Report" issued by TokenInsight. Considering the months of February through December in 2022, this sum was calculated. To give you an idea of how small this market was at the start of 2021, consider that the entire trade volume in this sector was almost nothing. Derivatives trading on the distributed ledger is quickly becoming a mainstream development. Even while centralized exchanges (CEX) are still widely used, consumers are shifting their attention to on-chain platforms as confidence in the sector continues to deteriorate and regulations become more stringent.

When it comes to trading methods, ProsperEx employs two of the most prevalent strategies that are available: peer-to-pool trading and peer-to-peer (order book) trading. Both of these trading models are considered to be peer-to-peer trading strategies. The use of this method, which is known as zero-knowledge proof, results in an increase in the degree to which peer-to-peer transactions are decentralized, secure, and private. Additionally, there is an increase in the degree to which these characteristics are maintained. On the basis of this hybrid trading strategy, ProsperEx is able to give its clients with competitive rates, minimal fees, and no slippage while preserving minimum spreads and price impact when entering and leaving positions. These benefits are made possible by ProsperEx's ability to trade using a hybrid model. Because of this, the organization won't have to worry about spending any more expenses. It is also possible to boost trading capabilities by offering support for a wide variety of assets that may be exchanged. This allows for a far wider range of assets to be traded. In this context, "assets" refers to not just fungible tokens (FT), but also non-fungible tokens (NFTs), in addition to other types of assets.

There are around 605 million people using cryptocurrencies throughout the world as of this time, which is just 7.5% of the total population of the whole world. According to the innovation diffusion model, a technological advance is deemed to have entered the early development stage when its market penetration is more than 13.5%. This criterion is used to determine whether a technical progress has passed the threshold into the early development stage. Because the bitcoin technology requires another 700 million users to reach the early majority stage, it is evident that the 605 million users are still considered early adopters despite having reached this milestone. In light of this, placing all of one's eggs in the basket of cryptocurrencies, which is a specialized asset class, would make it tough to attract a big number of clients to one's business.


ProsperEx uses two of the most prevalent trading methods, peer-to-pool trading and peer-to-peer (order book) trading, to facilitate transactions. This method, known as zero-knowledge proof, makes peer-to-peer transactions more decentralized, secure, and private. ProsperEx's clients benefit from cheap costs, low spreads, and no slippage because to the company's innovative hybrid trading methodology, which also allows it to minimize the impact of trade entries and exits on the market. Because of this, no extra expenses will be incurred by the business. Support for a wide range of tradable assets also contributes to its ability to improve trading performance. Tokens that cannot be easily exchanged for another have also been included here.

Just 7.5% of the world's population uses cryptocurrencies now, with only around 605 million people participating. ProsperEx uses two of the most prevalent trading methods, peer-to-pool trading and peer-to-peer (order book) trading, to facilitate transactions. This method, known as zero-knowledge proof, makes peer-to-peer transactions more decentralized, secure, and private. ProsperEx's clients benefit from cheap costs, low spreads, and no slippage because to the company's innovative hybrid trading methodology, which also allows it to minimize the impact of trade entries and exits on the market. Because of this, no extra expenses will be incurred by the business. Support for a wide range of tradable assets also contributes to its ability to improve trading performance. Tokens that cannot be easily exchanged for another have also been included here.

Just 7.5% of the world's population uses cryptocurrencies now, with only around 605 million people participating. When a technical breakthrough achieves a market penetration of 13.5 percent or more, it is said to have entered the early development stage of the innovation diffusion model. The 605 million people are still called early adopters since the bitcoin technology requires another 700 million users to achieve the early majority stage. Given the niche nature of cryptocurrencies as an asset class, relying only on it might be problematic when trying to build a clientele.


ProsperEx also implemented revenue distribution. PPE asset buybacks will increase deflation by 20% of the platform's income (including fees). The ProsperEx platform is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), with smart contracts distributing income and PPE holders voting on all decisions. ProsperEx's decentralized DAO structure ensures democratic principles are engrained throughout the ecosystem's evolution and achieves a balance between big fund holders and smaller fund holders to avoid hostile activities.

PPE Node holders get several ecological benefits in the ProsperEx ecosystem since NFTs represent equity. After 2100 PPE Nodes are sold, their 1000 USDT price will rise by 50%. First-buyers save the most.

In conclusion, ProsperEx is an innovative RWA leader with a strong on-chain derivatives track record. Due to its capacity to draw customers from both Web2 and Web3 worlds, this ecosystem may become an early link. The ProsperEx ecosystem will launch with a big user flood to start the value flywheel and capture ecosystem value.









Forum Username: Ivan Zamoranno

Forum Profile Link:;u=3239929

Telegram Username: @ivanzamoranno

BEP20 Wallet Address: 0x9BEca4D1271E59efeCE30234269EcEFA5E6dB66C


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